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What is a MouthPeace, and why should I use one?
A MouthPeace is a silicone device that allows for germ-free smoking when sharing pipes, vapes, joints, and more. Everyone gets sick, and some people just have cooties. Protection is key, and the MouthPeace provides that peace of mind.
Our Filters work to remove the resin, tar, and other contaminants that make your hits harsh, without removing any of the good stuff. They provide a smoother, cleaner, tastier experience.
What does the MouthPeace Fit?
The MouthPeace was designed to fit most water pipes and megatubes and provides a comfortable-sized mouthpiece for all users. The natural pressure from your mouth will make the silicone form an airtight seal around whatever you're smoking.
What Filters work with the MouthPeace?
The MouthPeace is ONLY compatible with MouthPeace Filter Rolls. Do NOT use Mini or Micro Filters in your MouthPeace. They are not intended to fit and could pose a choking hazard.
What comes with the MouthPeace Starter Kit?
The MouthPeace Starter Kit includes 1 silicone MouthPeace and 3 Activated Carbon Filters.
Does my MouthPeace come with a Lanyard?
We received a lot of feedback from customers expressing that they had too many lanyards, so in an effort to further our environmental initiatives, we decided it would be best to stop including them with every MouthPeace. We still have them available for purchase on our website.
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