How Long Does a Weed High Last?

7 min read
How Long Does a Weed High Last?

You’ve just sparked up that J, hit a bong, or devoured some edibles, and now you’re left wondering, how long does a weed high last? Maybe you accidentally went a little overboard and can’t wait to get unhigh, or you’ve got something urgent you totally forgot about (oops).

On the flip side, maybe you’ve been smoking weed for ages, and your tolerance is so high that you’re tired of those “meh” highs that fizzle out too fast. (We feel you, bud.)

Knowing the duration of a weed high can save you from overdoing it, help you plan your day, and even ensure you have a great time.

Spoiler alert! There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to how long a cannabis high lasts. Factors like your method of consumption, tolerance, metabolism, and even your vibe at the moment can make all the difference.

But don’t stress! In this article, we’ll break it all down—starting with the factors that influence your high and giving you average timelines for each method of cannabis use. Let’s dive in.

Factors that influence How Long a High Lasts

Factors that influence How Long a High Lasts

THC Potency and Strain Type

The higher the THC in your cannabis product, the more intense (and often longer) the high. Different strains (Sativa, indica, or hybrids) can also affect your body differently.

A potent sativa will have you daydreaming all day, while a heavy indica will have you glued to the couch. Either way, how potent the THC strain is plays a significant role in how long your weed high will last.

Individual Tolerance Levels

It’s not just what you consume. It’s also who’s consuming it. Regular users build up a tolerance over time and need a higher dose or more potent strains to feel the same effects of cannabis.

First-time or occasional users might find that even a low dose hits them hard. This tolerance factor affects not only how intense you feel the effects of THC but also how long you’re high.

Method of Consumption

How you choose to use cannabis has a significant impact on the duration of your high. Smoking cannabis or vaping usually brings on effects faster. At the same time, edibles can take much longer to kick in and last longer once they do.

Metabolism and BMI

Your metabolism affects how quickly your body processes THC and other cannabinoids. Cannabis users with faster metabolism might go through the high faster than those with a slower metabolism.

BMI also comes into play as THC is stored in fat cells. A person with more body fat might find that THC stays in their system longer, even if they don’t actively feel high the whole time. That’s why each person’s timeline can differ because of unique body compositions,

Environment and Mindset

Ever notice how a high at home feels different from a high at a concert? Your setting can influence both intensity and duration. A relaxing environment can help you fully sink into the experience, whereas a hectic or stressful one might shorten or disrupt the effects of THC.

The same is true for your Mindset. Suppose you’re anxious or uneasy going into the experience. In that case, you might sense the high differently than someone calm and ready to relax.

How Long Does it Take For The Effects Of Cannabis To Kick In

Now, when you ingest cannabis, THC—the compound responsible for that blissful high—works its magic by interacting with your endocannabinoid system. This system is like your body’s control center for balance, regulating mood, appetite, and sleep. When THC binds to its receptors, you start to feel the effects.

But how quickly you’ll feel them? That largely depends on your method of consumption. Let’s break it down:

  • Smoking and Vaping: When you light up or take a puff, THC enters straight into your bloodstream through your lungs. You’ll start to feel it within 2 –10 minutes, and peak effect around 15–30 minutes.
  • Edibles: With edibles, the THC has to travel through your digestive system and be metabolized by your liver before it hits. This can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours.
  • Pro tip: Don’t make the rookie mistake of eating more because “nothing’s happening.” trust us, once they hit, you might have an uncomfortable high and a story to tell.
  • Concentrates: Dabbing involves using extremely high THC concentrations in the form of wax, shatter, or oil. The onset is often immediate, within seconds.

Other than your chosen method of marijuana use, remember that these onset times can vary from person to person. Your metabolism, tolerance, and even what you ate beforehand can all impact how quickly you feel the effects.

The High Duration Based on Methods Of Consumption

The High Duration Based on Methods Of Consumption

Now that we’ve discussed how fast each method kicks in let’s examine how long a weed high lasts with each approach. These are average timelines, so don’t freak out if you’re an outlier!

  • Smoking and Vaping: The effects of THC from smoking weed or vaping usually peak around 30 minutes, then gradually fade over 1–3 hours.
  • Edibles: Edibles are the marathon runners of the cannabis world. Although they take a while to kick, once they do, they’re in it for the long haul. An edible high can last between 4 and 8 hours, sometimes even longer, with some reporting effects the next day after consumption.
  • Concentrates: If you dab concentrates, you will feel the kick within seconds to minutes, and the peak can be very intense. After that, you can expect about 3–5 hours of high, although the peak might only last an hour or two before easing off.

Again, we’re all different. Your metabolism, tolerance, BMI, and mood can affect how long your high lasts. The golden rule? Take it slow and see how your body reacts. The best way to determine what works for you is to pay attention to your body over time and adjust accordingly.

How to Make Your Weed High Last Longer?

Sometimes, you’d rather ride the wave a bit longer. Maybe you’re settling in for a cozy night or want to enhance a creative project. Here are a few tips for extending the cannabis high without overdoing it:

  • Choose High-THC Strains: Head to your local dispensary and ask for strains with higher THC levels. These strains tend to provide more potent, longer-lasting effects.
  • Go for Edibles: As mentioned earlier, edibles are the MVP for longevity. Their slow release through your digestive system gives you hours of steady effects.
  • Pair Cannabis with Fatty Foods: THC binds to fats, so munching on something fatty like avocado or nuts before or during your session can help extend the high.
  • Pace Yourself: Instead of consuming a large dose all at once, spread it out to maintain a steady high.
  • Choose Your Environment Wisely: A peaceful, stress-free setting often helps you stay “in the zone.” Dim lights, relaxing music, or a comfy couch can all help you savor the moment, potentially making the high feel longer.

Pro tip: While it might seem tempting, don’t mix cannabis with alcohol to prolong the high. Alcohol can amplify THC’s effects, leading to unpleasant side effects like nausea, rapid heart rate, dizziness, or even “greening out.”

How To Shorten Your Weed High

How To Shorten Your Weed High

On the flip side, what if you feel too high or need to come down fast? Don’t worry. It happens to the best of us. Here are some tips to help reduce the effects while your body processes the THC:

  • Breathe and Relax: Panicking will only make those side effects worse. Take slow, deep breaths and remind yourself it’s only temporary. Sometimes, simply shifting your mindset can ease the feeling of OMG, I’m too high!!
  • Try Black Pepper: Yes, although it might sound weird, Chewing on black peppercorns or even sniffing them is a popular anecdotal remedy to a strong cannabis high. The caryophyllene in pepper is believed to interact with receptors in your body, mellowing out the effects of THC.
  • Take a Shower or Bath: A quick shower can help you feel refreshed and alert. The change in temperature and the sensory shift might snap you out of any mental fog.
  • Sip Water or Juice: Staying hydrated can help clear your head, ease dryness in your mouth, and make you feel more comfortable overall.
  • Use CBD: According to research, Cannabidiol can help dial down the intensity of THC. Taking a small amount of CBD oil, gummies, or capsules on hand might balance the buzz.
  • Get Some Rest: Sometimes, the simplest remedy is the best one: sleep it off. Napping or calling it a night gives your body time to process the amount of THC in your system so you can wake up feeling more level-headed the next day.

Related: How to Sober Up from Weed Fast


How long does it take for the effects of marijuana to wear off?

For most people, the peak effects of marijuana last 2 to 3 hours with smoking cannabis. After that, residual effects can stick around for another hour or two. With edibles, it can sometimes take longer—up to 8 hours or more.

How long do weed gummy highs last?

Gummies are a type of cannabis edible, so the weed high last around 4 to 8 hours. This varies based on your tolerance, THC content, and how quickly your body metabolizes delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol.

How long does a weed cart high last?

A weed cart (a vaping cartridge) often has a faster onset and a moderately high duration, usually 1 to 3 hours. But it depends on the amount of THC in the cart and how frequently you hit it.

Why is my edible high lasting so long?

Edibles take longer to process because they go through the digestive system. Thus, your body will take longer to absorb the THC from an edible compared to smoking or vaping, where THC enters your bloodstream directly through the lungs,

Why do I still feel stoned after 2 days?

If you’re still feeling high after 2 days, you might be dealing with a cannabis hangover. First, don’t panic—it will fade with time. This happens because our bodies process THC differently. If you have a slower metabolism, high THC sensitivity, or consumed high-dose edibles, it could be the cause.

To ease it, stay hydrated, try CBD to counter the effects of THC, or do some light exercise. If it’s causing concern, consider seeking medical advice or talking to a healthcare professional to ensure there aren’t other issues at play.

Related: Dive deeper into our guide on how to remedy a weed hangover

How Long Does THC Stay In Your System?

THC can stay in your system for days or weeks, depending on factors like dosage, usage frequency, metabolism, etc. Here are averages of how long THC remains detectable in your urine, blood, saliva, and hair:

  • Urine: 1 - 3 days and up to 30 days for regular users
  • Blood: 2 - 12 hours
  • Saliva: 24 - 72 hours
  • Hair: Up to 90 days

Does drinking water help with the duration of a high?

Drinking water doesn’t necessarily shorten or lengthen the duration of a weed high, but it can mitigate discomforts like dry mouth or dehydration, making the high more manageable. If you’re feeling too high, staying hydrated may help you feel more grounded.